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Resources by Rachel Parson

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Spray Water Quality and Pesticide Characteristics
Pesticide sprays consist of at least 95% water. Water quality plays an important role in pesticide performance. The following issues may indicate a compatibility problem with pesticides and spray water quality: - Pesticide does not work at labeled rates; - Difficulty mixing sprays or clogging of nozzles; - Inconsistent pest control observed in fields or plots; - Pests seem resistant to a new pesticide active ingredient, or - Crops are lower quality or lower yielding. Understanding how water quality characteristics such as pH, water hardness, turbidity, and total suspended solids affect the adsorption and persistence (half-life, storage time) of a pesticide can help pesticide applicators reduce or eliminate compatibility issues and improve pesticide effectiveness
Feb 22, 2024 BSE-350P
Understanding Spray Tank Mixing Practices
Mixing two or more pesticide products can allow for the treatment of several pests at the same time, improve pesticide performance, and ultimately saving time and money. However, physical and chemical tank mix incompatibilities can occur when combining two or more pesticides. Physical incompatibility is the failure of pesticide products to stay uniformly mixed and can result in layering, products settling out of solution, or clumping. A chemical incompatibility is the result of a chemical reaction between pesticide products. A chemical incompatibility is less visible and can be harder to detect. This publication focuses on basic factors that influence product compatibility (agitation speed and method, water temperature, mixing order, carrier type, and chemical formulations) and summarizes best mixing practices to address these factors.
Feb 22, 2024 BSE-351P
Myth-busting Homemade Pesticides
Internet websites and social media platforms often contain information that misguide the public in using homemade pesticides. The use of homemade pesticides is concerning for several reasons. Homemade pesticides do not have directions for safe handling and application, instructions on how to protect people, pets, plants, and the environment, and are often ineffective. This publication will explain what homemade pesticides are and how they differ from registered pesticides. It will also debunk several common myths about homemade pesticides.
Aug 17, 2023 ENTO-570NP