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Resources by Luke Roy

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The Problems of Avian Predators on Fish Farms: Scaup on Baitfish (Golden Shiner) Farms
Baitfish farmers raise several different species of fish, often called minnows, to sell as live bait for anglers across the United States. The most popular and commonly raised baitfish species is the golden shiner. Many baitfish farms are located within a major flyway used by migrating birds. A variety of different migratory birds arrive at baitfish farms each fall, feed on fish on the farms, and then depart on spring migration. Baitfish farmers have reported major losses of fish from these avian predators.
Jul 26, 2024 AAEC-191NP
Cormorant Predation of Commercial Catfish Aquaculture in the Mississippi Delta
Catfish aquaculture is an important agricultural commodity in Mississippi with most of the production. occurring in the Delta region of the state. A vital factor in managing these farms is reducing fish loss from bird depredation. The most notable bird species that consume catfish are Double-crested Cormorants.
Mar 3, 2025 AAEC-231NP