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Resources by Benjamin Tracy

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Fertilizing Cool-Season Forages with Poultry Litter versus Commercial Fertilizer
The Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and some other regions produce more manure nutrients than local crops need. This manure has traditionally been applied to row crops and overapplication has led to soil-test phosphorus (P) being well above agronomic optimum in many cases. In 2008, it was estimated that nutrient-management regulations now require that approximately 85 percent of poultry litter be applied off poultry farms, as they do not have sufficient land to beneficially recycle their manure nutrients.
Aug 6, 2024 418-142
Soil Test Note No.3 - Liming and Fertilization of Cool-Season Forage Crops
The only way to accurately predict lime and fertilizer needs in forages is through soil testing, as explained in “Soil Test Note No. 1 – Explanation of Soil Tests,” Virginia Cooperative Extension publication 452-701. See
Aug 6, 2024 452-703
Wildflower and Warm Season Grasses Pasture
Pasturelands provide valuable ecosystem services including: erosion protection, climate mitigation, food and products for human use, habitat for wildlife and pollinators and aesthetic value. The capacity of pastures to provide ecosystem services is limited by lack of plant biodiversity. We recently completed preliminary studies at the Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley AREC funded from a NRCS- Conservation Innovation Grant. This work evaluated ways to establish native warm-season grass and wildflower
Nov 24, 2020 SPES-269-6
Native warm season grass variety trial, 2021-2023
Native warm season grasses may provide valuable forage resources for farmers in the summer months, while also providing habitat for wildlife, among other conservation benefits. This report provides the results of a three-year forage yield variety trial of 20 different cultivars and ecotypes of native warm season grasses at five different locations in Virginia.
Dec 1, 2023 SPES-562NP