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Resources by Gordon Groover

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Planning Fencing Systems For Controlled Grazing Feb 11, 2019 442-130 (BSE-247P)
Farm Record Book Request Form May 1, 2009 446-016
Farm Record Book: Expenses and Receipts
This book provides forms for many of the categories of expenses, receipts, labor, and financial summaries needed by most agricultural related businesses using cash accounting methods. Column headings are included for major items with some columns remaining blank for your own headings.
Apr 20, 2022 446-017 (VCE-867NP)
2011 Virginia Farm Business Management Livestock Budgets May 1, 2011 446-048
A Citizens' Guide to The Use Value Taxation Program in Virginia
The purpose of this publication is to help farmland owners, farmers, and other interested citizens to better understand the use value taxation program in Virginia.
May 1, 2009 448-037
Investing in GPS Guidance Systems? May 26, 2009 448-076
2020 NASS Cropland and Pastureland Rental Rates Jul 2, 2021 AAEC-290NP
Grain and Soybean Production and Storage in Virginia: A Summary and Spatial Examination
Grain and soybean production is a critical component of Virginia agriculture — the state’s No. 1 industry (VDACS 2013). Virginia’s farmers produced more than half a billion bushels of grain and soybeans over the span of 2006 to 2012 (USDA-NASS 2013b)1. The objectives of this publication are to characterize the market for grain production and storage in Virginia.
Sep 26, 2019 AAEC-60P
A Geographic Analysis of Agritourism in Virginia
Agriculture is the largest industry in Virginia, with an economic impact of about $52 billion, and it provides over 357,000 jobs to Virginia’s residents (VDACS 2013). In addition, those value-added industries that depend on the farm products employ an additional 76,000 individuals, which generates another $34.6 billion in value-added revenue (VDACS 2013a). Despite the impact that the agriculture industry has on Virginia’s economy, there are several issues of concern.
Apr 29, 2019 AAEC-62P (AAEC-183)
Using Market Maker to Connect Virginia Meat Producers and Processors
This fact sheet is a product of the 2014 Fall Kohl Centre Experience. To find out more about this project team and related information, please go to the Kohl Centre at Virginia Tech’s website:
May 20, 2020 AAEC-86NP
Assessing the Economic Feasibility of Growing Specialized Apple Cultivars for Sale to Commercial Hard Cider Producers
This publication describes a set of associated budget spreadsheets that utilize a systematic means to assess the feasibility of growing specialty apple cultivars for sale to commercial hard cider producers.
Mar 20, 2019 AREC-46P (SPES-117P)
Value and implications of corn stover removal from Virginia fields
There has recently been increased interest in the use of crop residues for different industrial uses in the US and the world. Corn residue is frequently cited as the most likely candidate for alternate industrial uses because of the large area of production and the relatively large amount of residue produced per acre. Among the potential alternate uses for corn stover, biofuel production has received the greatest attention.
Apr 6, 2017 CSES-180 (CSES-182NP)
Harvesting and nutrient replacement costs associated with corn stover removal in Virginia Feb 21, 2018 CSES-229NP