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Resources by Michelle Prysby

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Sustaining America's Aquatic Biodiversity - Crayfish Biodiversity and Conservation
Of the approximately 500 crayfishes (some times called crawdads or crawfish) found on earth, about 400 crayfish species live in waters in North America, and about 353, nearly 70 percent of the world’s total species, inhabit waters in the United States.
Mar 24, 2020 420-524 (CNRE-82P)
Virginia Master Naturalist Brochure
The Virginia Master Naturalist program is a statewide corps of volunteers providing education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.
Jun 7, 2023 465-300 (CNRE-171NP)
Virginia Master Naturalist, Basic Training Course, Mammals in Virginia
This publication provides an overview of the study of mammals in Virginia. It includes an up-to-date listing of mammals found in Virginia and information on the biology and natural history of mammals. The intended audience is Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers and others seeking to gain a basic understanding of this topic.
Feb 26, 2024 465-314 (CNRE-176P)
Balancing Life: Connecting with Nature for Better Well Being Aug 26, 2021 ALCE-262NP
Virginia Master Naturalist Basic Training Course: Botany Mar 22, 2023 ANR-10NP (CNRE-166NP)
Virginia Master Naturalist Basic Training Course: Botany (Introductory Version) Mar 22, 2023 ANR-12NP (CNRE-165NP)
Virginia Master Naturalist Program Strategic Planning Report 2015-2020
This report summarizes the findings from a strategic planning process conducted by the Virginia Master Naturalist program in 2013-2014. The process involved three steps: a comprehensive needs assessment to identify program needs, strategic planning workshops to identify initiatives for addressing those needs, and online voting to prioritize proposed initiatives.
Apr 9, 2015 ANR-137NP
What is a Virginia Master Naturalist? Jun 8, 2022 ANR-242NP
Safety and Risk Management for Virginia Master Naturalist Volunteers Oct 5, 2022 CNRE-124NP (CNRE-158NP)
Virginia Master Naturalist Program Basic Training Lesson Plan for Online Instruction: Urban and Developed Systems Ecology & Management Dec 20, 2021 CNRE-133NP
Education, Outreach, and Interpretation for Virginia Master Naturalist Volunteers
Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers are well-positioned to help more people of all ages and backgrounds to have regularly occurring, meaningful experiences in nature that meet their personal interests and needs. As volunteer educators, they may provide interpretive talks, lead interpretive walks, develop interpretive brochures and signage, and give formal presentations. The foundation for all of these forms of education includes knowing one's audience; planning topics, themes, goals, and objectives; background research and preparation; communicating clearly; and evaluating. This publication describes these key concepts and provides step-by-step guidelines for planning interpretive programs and other educational interactions.
Feb 22, 2024 CNRE-174P
Teaching Tips and Techniques: A Dialogue Learning Approach
Volunteer teachers are important to Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE). Volunteers convey information on a variety of topics by teaching or assisting with programs. Although there are many methods for delivering content, this publication will focus on a selection of teaching techniques to foster dialogue.
Jul 17, 2023 FST-284NP (FST-452NP)