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Edible Gardening

About Growing Edibles in Virginia

Virginia offers a great climate for growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs--and Virginia Cooperative Extension can help! If you encounter pest or disease problems, contact your local Extension office for help identifying the culprit and for treatment options. Many Extension Master Gardener (EMG) units offer gardening seminars, plant sales, and many more educational opportunites for new and experienced gardeners. Find your local EMGs through your Extension office or by searching on Facebook.

Featured Publications

Small blueberries on a branch with leaves

Small Fruits for the Home Garden

Small fruits offer certain advantages over fruit trees for home culture because small fruits require less space for the amount of fruit produced, and they bear fruit one or two years after planting.

Small seedling growing in a pot

Virginia’s Home Garden Vegetable Planting Guide

Selecting appropriate planting dates is critical for successful vegetable gardening. Vegetables vary in their preferred growing conditions and tolerance to temperature extremes.

Rows of black plastic with small plants growing in rows in center of sheets of plastic

Comparison of Raised Bed Methods, Materials, Costs

Do you really need a raised bed? What's the cheapest way to do it? This publication reviews raised bed necessity and types, including bed construction materials and cost analysis.

Resources for Home Gardeners


Start by choosing a location for your new garden bed, for help see: Planning the home vegetable garden

The next major decision is whether to use raised beds, and if you will, how should you make them? See: Container and raised bed gardening

Buying seeds:


When you have planned your garden and selected an appropriate site and you’re ready to dig in and prepare your garden beds, consider the nutrient content of your soil, what kind of mulch you will use on your garden bed (yes, vegetable gardens can get mulch too!), and if you will choose to make your own compost for future gardens.

For soil preparation:



Staring at an expanse of lawn and wondering how to convert it to beds of vegetables or flowers is intimidating. Here are some tips from our friends in Maryland on removing grass to make way for garden beds.

If you need help starting your garden, please reach out to your local Extension Master Gardeners!

When you’ve prepared your beds, it’s time to plant your vegetables outdoors! 

You can use our vegetable garden planting guide to determine what date to begin your plants depending on your USDA plant hardiness zone:

For a full guide to starting vegetables from seed, see: Plant Propagation from Seed

Did you know not all vegetables need to be transplanted? Many garden crops can be grown from seeds you plant directly in your garden. For more information on which plants to start indoors and which to plant directly in your garden, look at the * denoting transplants in our Home vegetable garden planting guide.

Transplants should be hardened off--or gradually acclimated to outdoor weather--before they are planted directly in the garden. For more information on hardening, see “Hardening” in Plant Propagation from Seed.

Herbs: Most herbs can be grown successfully with a minimum of effort. Several are drought-tolerant, some are perennials, and many are resistant to insects and diseases.For information on growing your own herbs:

If you don’t have space for a vegetable garden or if your present site is too small, consider raising fresh, nutritious, homegrown vegetables in containers. A window sill, patio, balcony, or doorstep can provide sufficient space for a productive container garden. 

Looking to get the most out of a small yard or garden plot? Learn about methods like vertical gardening and which crops to plant in Intensive Gardening Methods.

For an introduction to becoming a plant-problem sleuth, read Diagnosing Plant Problems. You may also find Integrated Pest Management for Vegetable Gardens helpful.

If you are unable to figure out the source of your plant’s problem, reach out to your local Extension Master Gardeners for help. Many EMG units provide “help desks” or call-in hotlines and can help you determine what might be causing your plant’s problem and what you should do. 

Some insects you are likely to encounter in your garden include:

Did you know that some insects are actually beneficial? In addition to pollinating certain crops, many beneficial insects will eat bad insects. If you’re interested in learning more about beneficial insects and how you can attract them to your garden, read Improving Pest Management and Pollination with Farmscaping.  

Some diseases you are likely to encounter in your garden include:

We know that, to many people, the idea of “spraying” anything on their landscape is intimidating; however, when used properly insecticides, fungicides, and other “sprays” can have an important place in the home gardener’s toolbox. Here is some more information on pesticides: 

Small fruits offer certain advantages over fruit trees for home culture because small fruits require less space for the amount of fruit produced, and they bear fruit one or two years after planting. Success with small-fruit planting will depend on the attention given to all phases of production, including crop and variety selection, site selection, soil management, fertilization, pruning, and pest management. 

For information on growing your own small fruit, read Small fruits in the home garden

For information on growing fruit trees, read Tree fruit in the home garden.

You can extend your growing season earlier in the spring and later into the fall by sheltering plants from very cold weather. 


Get Gardening series

Get Gardening is a series of introductory videos that cover common gardening tasks like transplanting, building raised beds, or planning a fall garden. View the full playlist here.

Extension Master Gardener Video Series

Recent Publications


Home Garden Information Center


If you have questions, please contact your local VCE office