Soil Information Program

Learn about soils in Virginia and from around the world. Most information is offered through webinars and web sites, on-site training and liaisons with agencies and professional groups.
The soil information program transfers information about soils to the public in a way that is interesting, informative, and useful for understanding our environment and making wise land-use decisions. Subject areas include soil formation, soil types, soil properties, fertility, soil survey, amendments, health, reclamation, surface hydrology and geology.
The soil information program is offered through Virginia Cooperative Extension, an educational outreach partnership between Virginia Tech and Virginia State University.
- Webinar Series in Basic Soils
- Q&A from Webinars in Basic Soils
- Publications
- Online Resources
- On-site Training
- #Groundchat
- Videos
There is a general soils map posted at:
For a more detailed, GIS version of a general soils map, contact me.
There are few that are both simple and inexpensive. Soils are so variable in space and time and interconnected with so many other layers and processes, it is hard to keep it very simple and provide meaningful information.
- The easiest to read is Soil Science Simplified Paperback – December 1, 1994
- by Helmut Kohnke and D. P. Franzmeier. ISBN-13: 978-0881338133 ISBN-10: 0881338133 Edition: 4th. A fifth edition is in progress.
- A more detailed version is: The Soul of Soil: A Soil-Building Guide for Master Gardeners and Farmers, 4th Edition Paperback – 1999 by Joseph Smillie and Grace Gershuny. ISBN-13: 978-1890132316 ISBN-10: 1890132314 Edition: Revised and updated fourth edition.
- A more detailed (and expensive) book is Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils (2nd Edition) Hardcover – May 16, 2003 by Nyle C. Brady and Ray R. Weil. ISBN-13: 978-0130480385 ISBN-10: 013048038X Edition: 2nd or 3rd.
The best one I have seen is: Introduction to Soil - via @SoilScience at as tweeted @VAsoilguy
Virginia Cooperative Extension publications in all departments
- Search the list for “soil”
- John Galbraith Biography
- Soil Science Society of America
- Soil & Water Conservation Society
- Virginia Association of Professional Soil Scientists with links to Newsletters and soil related web sites
- ICOMANTH – International Committee for Anthropogenic Soils
- Mid-Atlantic Hydric Soils Committee
- International Union of Soil Science – Div. 1.4 Soil Classification
- Dig it! The Secrets of Soil
- Outreach Materials in Soils (On right side of page, select English)
Please contact Dr. John Galbraith at 540-231-9784 to request.