Extension Master Gardener Program
Whether you've been gardening for years or you're just starting out, the Extension Master Gardener program is for you!
You can find a team of local Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) in almost every county in Virginia who are eager to offer advice, education, and resources. Reach your local EMGs via your VCE office or by searching online or on Facebook.
If you're as passionate about gardening education as we are, we invite you to join us by becoming an Extension Master Gardener.
![Map of Virginia with Master Gardener unit boundaries. Most adhere to county boundaries.](/content/ext_vt_edu/en/lawn-garden/master-gardener/_jcr_content/content/adaptiveimage.transform/m-medium/image.png)
General ItemAbout the Program
Extension Master Gardeners are trained volunteer educators who volunteer in their communities.
General ItemBecome a Master Gardener
Whether you've been gardening for decades or are just getting started, you can become an Extension Master Gardener!
General ItemGet Gardening Help
When seeking garden help, your local Extension office is the best place to start.
Questions about gardening should be directed to your local Virginia Cooperative Extension Office or to your local Extension Master Gardeners
Ed Olsen edo@vt.edu
Devon Johnson dvj@vt.edu