4-H All Stars

4-H All Stars is an honor/service organization. Membership in 4-H All Stars is the highest recognition that a Virginia 4-H'er can achieve. Virginia 4-H All Stars is service oriented, and volunteer operated.
The All Star's goal is to contribute to positive youth development through "service" to the 4-H program of which they are a part. The 4-H program becomes the springboard from which an All Star jumps to other areas of service to people throughout his/her lifetime. The 4-H All Star organization strives for a cooperative effort with the 4-H program in all areas.
Membership in the Virginia Chapter of 4-H All Stars is a distinct privilege and high honor. Throughout the years, 4-H members across the state have grown and learned with the incentive of All Star membership as a goal. While it is a goal to be chosen as an All Star, the real advantage of membership is in serving the 4-H program and the community in which you live. Virginia Chapter of 4-H All Stars is a tremendous source of both teen and adult leaders who are actively involved in expanding and enhancing the 4-H program throughout the commonwealth
The motto of 4-H All Stars is Service. Each of you will have many opportunities to be involved in 4-H program planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting. Many will have opportunities to serve on advisory committees, to raise funds, to lead 4-H clubs and groups, and to speak on behalf of 4-H. You are a vital element in enhancing the future of 4-H in Virginia.
We are proud of our Virginia 4-H All Stars. Many of those who have been tapped in previous years continue to provide unselfish, effective service to 4-H through a variety of leadership roles. We are pleased to sense a growing eagerness among recently tapped All Stars to become active in seeking out areas of service important to the betterment of mankind.
All Stars, both collectively and individually, are invited to take part in 4-H educational programs both as learners and teachers. Working together we can make 4-H a dynamic youth development educational program for the entire state. Together we will strive for greater understanding, patience, dedication, and unselfish service to 4-H and to our fellowman.
It is a pleasure to welcome new 4-H All Stars into the Virginia Chapter of 4-H All Stars, and to charge you with others tapped in previous years to live by the All Star motto of "Service."
All Stars strive to contribute to 4-H youth development throughout the State of Virginia. The 4-H All Stars serve the State 4-H program by supporting 4-H activities, honoring 4-H leaders, and have a representative on the State 4-H Leadership Council.
One of the first things each member needs to do is to become informed of the objectives, opportunities, and duties of the 4-H All Stars. The following partial list of important items will serve as a guideline for helping you initiate your "Service."
- Become familiar with the All Stars Constitution and By Laws (PDF | 104KB)
- Participate in and initiate 4-H programs in your unit.
- Encourage and assist your unit in competing for the Virginia 4-H All Star Outstanding Unit Chapter Award.
- Assist with the 4-H public speaking program, which the All Stars sponsor on the unit, district, and state levels.
- Pay your dues annually and encourage other All Stars in the unit to pay lifetime dues. Dues provide the major source of support for All Star projects.
- Participate in the unit All Star meeting, assisted by local Extension staff, to nominate All Star candidates. Be constantly aware of achievements and leadership qualities of 4-H'ers for future All Star candidates.
- Support the Wayne M. Keffer college scholarship fund, and encourage eligible All Stars to apply.
- Participate in district and state conferences.
It is the sincere hope of the executive committee that each 4-H All Star will make a personal application of these duties and challenges to help "Make the Best Better" through All Star "Service."
We look forward to your continued "Service" to the Chapter!
- Virginia 4-H All Star Awards and Nominations Cover Sheet
- C. Dean Allen Award for Excellence
- Dottie Nelson Award for Excellence in International Programs
- Virginia 4-H All Star Hall of Fame Award
- Wayne M. Keffer Memorial Scholarship Application
- 4-H All Star Bradshaw award
- Virginia 4-H All Star Chapter Charter
If you are a 4-H All Star and want to get involved, please see the current issue of the Virginia Star (under the “What’s New” tab) for information on upcoming 4-H All Star events in the district and state. To get involved in your local 4-H program, contact your local Extension office and speak with the 4-H agent or program assistant. There are many different ways that All Stars can serve, including direct work with youth, speaking to groups, serving as a judge or award sponsor, reviewing new All Star nomination forms, etc.
Each year, there are two statewide Virginia 4-H All Star Conferences. The Midwinter 4-H All Star Conference is usually the first weekend in February with the location rotating around the state. The Summer 4-H All Star Conference weekend event is conducted in July in different locations around the state. For specific details about future conferences, please see the most current issue of the Virginia Star Newsletter or contact one of the officers listed in the Virginia Star. The most current issue is listed under the “What’s New” tab.