
Agritourism is recreation at its finest! Visitors to local farms might tour a vineyard, explore winemaking, or discuss the process of transforming grapes into high-quality Virginia wines.
Younger guests, as well as many adults, may discover that goats are not dogs with horns, donkeys are different than horses, and milk does not actually originate in a plastic container in the grocery store.
The tour of farm fields has enabled many people to realize that peanuts grow underground and cotton grows on a plant and not in a bale.
People are hunting in the deer-filled forests and fishing in well-stocked ponds. Pumpkins, apples, cherries, and other produce are being picked. Corn mazes are being navigated. Hayrides, animal barnyard visits, and ice cream treats made from the local dairy’s milk are being added to the top of the “fun-to-do” list of many Virginians.
- Virginia Business Legal Structures
- Managing legal liability series: Workers’ compensation and vendor liability for farmers’ market owners and operators
- Managing legal liability series: Virginia attorneys: Members of theAmerican Agricultural Law Association
- Managing Legal Liability Series: Conducting the liability assessment
- Managing Legal Liability Series: How much liability insurance coverage should I have?
- Managing Liability: Legal liability in agritourism and direct market operations
- Managing Legal Liability Series: Questions to ask when comparing insurance coverage
- Managing Legal Liability Series: Sources of insurance
- Managing Legal Liability Series: Insurance factsheet
- Partnerships and Networking (PDF | 2MB)
- Agritourism in Virginia (PDF | 1MB)
- How to Keep Visitors Safe on the Farm (2MB)
- Agritourism and Zoning in Isle of Wight County (PDF | 493KB)
- Customer Magic: The Art of Service (PDF | 4MB)
- Your Success: Welcoming Visitors to the Farm (PDF | 1MB)
- The Best Places: InnVirginia (PDF | 1MB)
- Navigating the Agritourism Insurance Maze (PDF | 823KB)
- Staunton Creative Community Fund (PDF | 285KB)
- Virginia Agritourism: Exploring the Options (PDF | 3MB)
- Making the Most of Direct Marketing and Agribusiness — Regulation and Food Safety Considerations (PDF | 1MB)
- Strategies for a Profitable Tasting Room (PDF | 2MB)
- Planting the Seeds for a Regional Agritourism Program (PDF | 1MB)
- Lessons in Agritourism: A National Perspective (PDF | 999KB)
- Linking Entrepreneurs to Resources to Help Them Grow (PDF | 589KB)
- Jeter Farm, Bonsack, VA (PDF | 567KB)
- Social Media: Making it Work for Small Business (PDF | 650KB)
- Designing the Web Presence (PDF | 1MB)
- MeadowCroft Farm: Farm Born & Raised (PDF | 2MB)
- Marketing 101 (PDF | 263KB)
- Mayberry Marketing 101 (PDF | 3MB)
- Agribusiness-Agritourism in Rockingham County (PDF | 454KB)
- Vintage Virginia Apples & Albemarle CiderWorks (PDF | 439KB)
- Conserving Farmland Supports Agritourism (PDF | 404KB)
- Virginia Is For Lovers (PDF | 233KB)
- The Virginia Fresh Food Loan Fund (PDF | 258KB)
2018 Virginia Agritourism Conference:
Agritourism in Virginia's New Economy
Presentations [PDFs]
- Agricultural Land Lab, Isle of Wight County Schools
- Agricultural Lending: The First Bank and Trust Company
- Agritourism Partnerships and Networking
- Agritourism Safety in Virginia
- Business Plans: Your Roadmap to Success
- Conserving the Farm Supports Agritourism!
- Creating Memorable Experiences
- Farm Transition Planning
- Instigate, Inspire, Inform (and Equip)
- Land Conservation and Agritourism - 1
- Land Conservation and Agritourism - 2
- Legal Considerations for Your Agricultural Business
- Liability Insurance Concerns and Agritourism
- Making Your Case with the Numbers
- Marketing Leverage Program: Virginia Tourism Corporation
- Mill Swamp Indian Horses: A Program of Gwaltney Frontier Farm
- Richlands Diary
- Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom
- Why Stewardship?
For more information, contact Dr. Martha A. Walker, Virginia Cooperative Extension, at
2019 Virginia Agritourism Conference:
Agritourism in Virginia's New Economy
Presentations [PDFs]
- Building the Plan
- Making the Agritourism Voice Heard
- Marketing: Using the Social Media Options
- Ensuring Safety on the Agritourism Farm
- Delivering the Customer Experience
- Marketing: Regional Collaboration
- Showcasing the Region: Blue to New
- Lessons in Advocacy
- Challenges & Virginia Agritourism
- Building IG Account Handout
For more information, contact Livvy Preisser, Virginia Cooperative Extension, at