Forest Harvesting

Forest harvesting is also known as logging. Virginia’s forestry sector has a total economic impact of more than $17 billion in total industry output. Virginia’s logging businesses harvest and transport timber used as a raw material for Virginia’s forest industry. Forest harvesting is performed almost exclusively by small independent logging businesses that harvest timber and provide opportunities for forest landowners to generate revenue from their forest lands. Extension activities related to forest harvesting operations focus on safety, transportation, environmental protection during forest harvesting operations, and other areas related to sustainable harvesting and utilization of forests.
Featured Publications
- Consider Logging Residue Needs for BMP Implementation when Harvesting Biomass for Energy
- Effectiveness of Skid Trail Closure Techniques - Forest Operations Research Highlights
- Effectiveness of Temporary Stream Crossing Closure Techniques - Forest Operations Research Highlights
- Virginia Logger Safety Checklist Booklet
- The Role of Logging Business Owners in Forest Certification
- Skidder Safety and Efficiency: A Discussion Leader's Guide