Youth Safety in Lawn Care

Learn safe practices to protect youth workers serving in the lawn care industry from accidents and associated injuries. The goal of this training program is to reduce the number of accidents and related injuries among the youth workers in the green industry by making workplaces safer. A series of guides provide safety related materials for employers or supervisors of youth workers in the green industry. In addition to familiarizing the employers/supervisors with the regulations associated with hiring youth workers, the program discusses the steps they can take to make their work environments safer. It also covers the responsibilities of guardians and youth workers for making workplaces safer, and each training area is supplemented with a test for the students to demonstrate their understanding of the safety concepts presented.
Hand Tools Safety
Powered Hand Tools Safety
Rotary Mower Safety
Utility-type Vehicle Safety
- Instructor Lawncare Training Guide: Utility-type Vehicles Safety
- Student 2-pager: Utility-type Vehicles Safety
Tractor Safety