
Biosolids are solid, semi-solid, or liquid materials, resulting from treatment of domestic sewage, that have been sufficiently processed to permit these by-products to be safely land-applied. Various levels of treatment enables biosolids to be used as soil conditioners and fertilizers for agriculture, mineland reclamation, and urban landscape enhancement. The use of biosolids often evokes strong emotions due to the presence of potentially environmentally- and health-impairing constituents, such as pathogenic microorganisms, heavy metals, and anthropogenic organic compounds. The information on this site will address the benefits and concerns of biosolids products developed for agricultural, mined and urban lands.
Introduction to Land Application of Biosolids Webinar Series
When: Nov. 18, 2014
Section | Presenter |
Introduction to Biosolids | Greg Evanylo, Virginia Tech |
Understanding biosolids generation | Chris Peot, DCWater |
Virginia’s biosolids regulatory program | Neil Zahradka, DEQ |
Summary & Questions | Greg Evanylo |
When: Dec. 4, 2014.
Section | Presenter |
Heavy metals and nutrients | Greg Evanylo, Virginia Tech |
Trace organics | Kang Xia, Virginia Tech |
Pathogens | Brian Badgley, Virginia Tech |
Summary & Questions | Greg Evanylo |
Session 2: What’s in biosolids that would impact health of environment
When: Dec. 16, 2014
Section | Presenter |
Agriculture and urban soils | Greg Evanylo, Virginia Tech |
Reclamation and disturbed lands | Lee Daniels, Virginia Tech |
Forestry | Tom Fox, Virginia Tech |
Summary & Questions | Greg Evanylo |
Exceptional Quality Biosolids Production and Use
Webinar - Exceptional Quality Biosolids Production and Use
Webinar - Biosolids 101
Webinar - Composting for EQ Biosolids
Webinar - Risks and Safety of Land-Applied Biosolids?
Webinar - Anthropogenic Soils as Biosolid-borne Carbon Storage Sites
- Peer Review Standards for the Disposal of Sewage Sludge (PDF | 8MB)
- The Use of Soil Amendments for Remediation, Revitalization, and Reuse (PDF | 1MB)
- Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge; Final Rules (PDF | 1MB)
- A Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule
- UMD Biosolids Entrenchment Webinar
- The first webinar provided an overview of what you need to know about deep row entrenchment of biosolids using hybrid poplar, followed by a second webinar on the nuts and bolts of the technique. The third and final webinar discussed water quality and monitoring options for DRE. Webinar recordings are available free of charge at:
- The University of Maryland Extension just released a new 48-page extension bulletin on best practices for deep row entrenchment of biosolids (EB453). This publication provides best management practices resulting from years of research by the University of Maryland on a private gravel spoil site in southern Maryland. Application of the technique to coal mine spoils is discussed. Publication Link:
- Link to other publications and journal articles on deep row entrenchment:
Fact Sheets:
- Biosolids Use for Land Reclamation
- Biosolids Use for Urban Landscapes
- Benefits of Organic Matter in Biosolids
- Biosolids Use in Forestry
- Biostimulant Benefits from Biosolids
- Nutrient Content, Value, and Management of Biosolids
- Pathogens and Biosolids
- Inorganic Trace Elements
- Trace Organic Compounds
- Wastewater Treatment Processes
- How and Who Regulates the use of Biosolids
- Biosolids Use for Row Crop, Forage, and Hay Lands
- USEPA Biosolids
- Water Environment Federation National Biosolids Partnership
- Virginia Biosolids Council
- Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association
- W3170: Beneficial Reuse of Residuals and Reclaimed Water: Impact on Soil Ecosystem and Human Health
- Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- Northeast Biosolids and Residuals Association
- Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
- King County Soil Amendment