Natural Resources and Environmental Education

The 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Education program offers many different projects in wildlife, forestry, fishing, outdoor adventure, and environmental education. Through these projects, you learn to think critically about the natural world and sustainable living. Shooting education, water and energy conservation, global positioning systems (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), and aquatic and marine systems add exciting experiences that teach you to protect the environment while using hands-on resources.
- Entomology
- Horticulture
- Gardening
- Land Appreciation
- Plants and soils
- Forestry
- Aquatic and Marine Science
- Environmental Sciences
- Outdoor Adventure
- Shooting Education
- Tree Identification Program
- Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP)
- Wood Science
Featured Publications
Related Topics
- State 4-H Staff
- Questions about 4-H programs should be directed to your local county office.
- More contact information