Volunteer with Virginia Cooperative Extension

In 2013, Virginia Cooperative Extension engaged almost 30,000 volunteers who provided more than 966,000 hours of volunteer service in the commonwealth. Extension offers several master volunteer programs that provide training opportunities in gardening and horticulture; food, nutrition, and safety; natural resources management; water supply systems; financial management; and energy conservation. More than 13,000 adult and youth volunteers served more than 185,000 youth ages 5 to 18 in hands-on educational programs designed to build leadership, citizenship, and life skills through Virginia 4-H. Each local Extension unit has unique volunteer opportunities.
"The tremendous difference Virginia Cooperative Extension has made in the lives of Virginians over the past 100 years has been due in large measure to the contributions of the many dedicated and tireless volunteers," said Edwin Jones, director of Virginia Cooperative Extension.
There are many ways you can get involved with us. Some of them are listed below. If you would like specific information on a particular volunteer opportunity, please contact the person listed. If you are interested in volunteering, but not sure in what way, contact your local Extension office. They will be happy to help you find a way to share your time and talents.
Virginia Master Gardeners are volunteer educators who work within their communities to encourage and promote environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management education and training. If you have an interest in horticulture and like teaching and talking to the public, contact your local Extension office and ask about the Master Gardener program.
The Virginia Master Naturalist Program is a statewide corps of volunteers providing education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities. Interested Virginians become Master Naturalists through training and volunteer service. If you are interested in becoming a Master Naturalist, contact your local Extension office.
The VAMWON consists of Virginia Cooperative Extension agents and volunteers trained in the proper design, management, and maintenance of private water supply systems (springs, wells, and cisterns). They organize and conduct county-based drinking water clinics and serve as a local resource for clientele with household water quality concerns. If you are interested in becoming part of the VAMWON, apply online.
Master Food Volunteers help support Extension's family and consumer sciences agents through education and outreach efforts. These volunteers are involved in programs related to food preparation, nutrition, food safety, and physical activity.
Virginia Cooperative Extension's Family Nutrition Program helps limited-resource families and children develop the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthier lifestyle choices on a limited budget.
For more information on volunteer opportunities with FNP, contact the agent nearest to you:
Lee, Scott, Wise, Dickenson, Buchanan, Russell, Washington, Tazewell, Smyth, Grayson, Wythe, Bland, and Pulaski counties
Sharon Rice - 276-628-9266 strice@vt.edu
Carroll, Patrick, Floyd, Montgomery, Roanoke, Giles, Craig, Franklin, and Bedford counties
Tonya Pickett - 540-238-8195, 540-444-2946 tpickett@vt.edu
Henry, Pittsylvania, Halifax counties
Alani Adkins - Danville, 434-766-6761 alaniadk@vt.edu
Botetourt, Alleghany, Rockbridge, Bath, and Highland counties
Rebecca Wilder - 540-463-4734 rmarlatt@vt.edu
Nelson, Augusta, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Rockingham, Greene, Madison, Orange, Culpeper, Rappahannock, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Fauquier, Frederick, and Clarke counties
Morgan Bender - 540-245-5750 bmorgan1@vt.edu
Amherst, Campbell, Appomattox, Charlotte, Prince Edward, Buckingham, Cumberland, Amelia, Nottoway, Lunenburg counties
Pauline Stokes - 434-392-4246 pstokes@vt.edu
Mecklenburg, Greensville, and Brunswick counties
Kimberly Martin, 434-848-2151 kimartin@vt.edu
Louisa, Hanover, Goochland, Powhatan, Chesterfield, Henrico, New Kent, Charles City, Prince George, Dinwiddie, and James City counties
Ann Vargo - 804-433-2556 avargo@vt.edu
Sussex, Southampton, Surry, Isle of Wight, and York counties, and Cities of Suffolk, Newport News, Hampton, and Poquoson
Karla Robbins - 757-365-6257 karlrobb@vt.edu
Westmoreland, Northumberland, Richmond, Essex, King and Queen, Lancaster, Middlesex, King William, Mathews, and Gloucester counties
Kelly Lewis - 804-580-5694 ksuth3@vt.edu
Caroline, Spotsylvania, King George, Stafford, and Prince William counties
Katrida Williams - 540-658-8000 katridaw@vt.edu
Loudoun, Fairfax, and Arlington counties and the City of Alexandria
Van Do - 703-746-5524 vando@vt.edu
Accomack and Northampton counties and Cities of Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake
Ellen Pudney, MS, RDN - 757-678-7946 epudney@vt.edu
The Master Financial Education Volunteer program focuses on helping families build their financial capacity through classes on topics such as managing money, planning for home ownership, getting out of debit, retirement planning, and preventing identity theft. The program also provides one-on-one mentoring.
Master Financial Education Volunteers receive a minimum of 20 hours of classroom instruction and, in return, commit to contribute an additional 40 hours of service to the in the 12 months following the training.
Volunteer educators partner with local Extension Agents to provide individual counseling sessions; assist at Reality Store, Kids Marketplace, and poverty simulations; teach money management workshops to youth; and lead adult financial management classes.
Karen Munden, Unit Coordinator
Senior Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences
City of Virginia Beach
757-385-4769, kmunden@vt.edu
Crysti Hopkins,
Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences
Lousia County
540-967-2111, hcrysti2@vt.edu
4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. 4-H, the largest comprehensive youth development program in the nation, educates young people, ages 5 to 18, through a variety of experiential techniques that encourage hands-on, active learning.
Every 4-H program across Virginia benefits from the dedication and service of volunteers. If you are interested in contributing your time to help further the growth and development of youth in your community, please contact your local Extension office. If you are interested in serving 4-H at the state level, please contact Cathy Sutphin, associate director, 4-H youth development, at 540-231-1247, orcmsutph@vt.edu.
Virginia Cooperative Extension's volunteers:
- Educate and engage the public
- Develop community through social connections
- Are prepared leaders
- Serve as knowledgeable and credible resources
- Advocate for Virginia Cooperative Extension
Opportunities in your community
If you'd like to get involved with Extension in your community, contact your county's local unit office for more information about what's available in your area.
For more information about Virginia Cooperative Extension’s volunteer efforts, contact:
David D. Close
Specialist, Volunteer Engagement
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Tech
112 Hutcheson
250 Drillfield Dr (0908)
Blacksburg VA 24061