4-H Day at the Capitol

4-H Day at the Capitol provides an opportunity for youth to learn about governmental procedures and emphasizes the importance of citizen involvement in the governmental process. Participants visit with legislators sharing their 4-H experiences and learning about the role of legislators in government. They observe the legislative process in action, have opportunities to learn about the congressional aides and pages programs, and have an opportunity to tour the Capitol, museums, or other historical sites in the Richmond area.
4-H Day at the State Capitol provides opportunities for 4-Hers to learn more about state government procedures, meet local legislators and encourage civic engagement. Many legislators serve more than one Extension Unit so please talk with the other Extension units in your legislative district to coordinate visits. Select 2-3 youth as official spokespersons to be prepared to speak when meeting with legislators. They should be prepared to talk about their "4-H Story", impacts of 4-H, share 2-3 impacts of the unit 4-H program and 3-4 impacts from the Virginia 4-H program.
- 8:00-9:45 AM - 4-H Town Halls/Meeting with Legislators
- 10:00-10:25 AM - 4-H Rally at the Capitol Square Bell Tower
- 10:35 AM - Group Photo on steps on General Assembly Building
- 11:00 -1:00 PM - Lunch on your own. 4-Hers View House and Senate sessions, meet with pages or selected tours (4-H Agent or volunteer to make these arrangements.
- 1:00-2:30 PM - Voice Your Choice Program (East Reading Room of Patrick Henry Building)
- 1:00 - 5:00 PM - Tours on your own if not participating in Voice Your Choice
Logistically, it is easier to take smaller groups (8-10) so they can maneuver the stairs, elevators, security check points, etc. If your unit has more youth interested in participating, then bring more adult volunteers and have adults responsible for small groups to help get them through security, etc.
Middle School and High School 4-Hers may be better suited for this event as they probably have had more 4-H experiences to share and explain 4-H impacts. However, some units bring Elementary age 4-Hers as well.
- Each Unit should make an appointment to visit with your local legislator prior to your visit. Contact information on individual legislators may be found by entering your address in the upper right hand corner block. Follow the links for each legislator.
- 4-Hers should dress and behave appropriately for the business setting. You are representing your county/city, Virginia 4-H, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech and Virginia State University. Please review the Virginia State Capitol Teacher and Chaperone Guide for more information on Capitol etiquette and decorum. It is included with the email.
- Be sure to prepare your 4-Hers for their visit with legislators. Youth should be able to briefly speak about what 4-H is and how 4-H has impacted their lives. You may also want to prepare them to share ways that the local 4-H program has impacted the community.
Handicap parking: Private vehicles with handicap tags are able to park and unload passengers on Bank Street near the new public entrance. There is no public parking on the Capitol Square grounds.
Motor coach Parking: Three or four spaces are presently available on Bank Street between 10th and 12th Streets. Buses should not stay on Bank Street longer than 2 hours. As of 2008 the former "Bus Loop" behind Old City Hall is no longer available to school or tour buses visiting the Capitol. Overflow bus parking is available at the Virginia War Memorial, on 2nd Street south of Spring Street. Group leaders will need to be in phone contact with their drivers.
Public Parking: There are four free general public spaces (1 hour) on the north side of Bank Street, between 9th and 10th Streets. A limited number of metered public parking spaces (2 hours) are located on Bank Street, between Governor and 14th Streets, on the south side of Main Street, between 9th and 12th Streets and on 12th Street between Main and Bank Streets.
Pay parking lots and decks are nearby on 8th and Grace Street and 7th and Marshall Streets. Downloadable maps of nearby parking lots and decks are available, as well as rates for these areas.
Note: Due to the increasing construction in Downtown Richmond, some parking lots listed on the links above may not exist any longer. If you have any questions about parking lots in the capitol vicinity, please call the Capitol Tour Desk at (804) 698-1788 or email the Tour Desk at capitoltourguides@house.virginia.gov.
Some restaurants within walking distance of the Capitol:
- The Capitol Café – carry out; limited seating for eating at the Capitol
- Wendy’s @ the James Center (901 E. Cary St)
- Padoes Ham and Deli @ 1009 E Main Street in the Historic Ironfronts Building
- Subway @ 8th and Franklin St.
- Wall St. Deli @ 8th and Franklin St.
- Cappola’s Deli 2900 W Cary St, Richmond, VA 23221
- Jo Jo’s Pizza 1201 E Main St, Richmond, VA 23219
Virginia General Assembly Web Page
Visiting the Virginia Capitol
Virginia Capitol Visitor’s Guide
Capitol Classroom
Capitol Tours
- www.virginiacapitol.gov/visitors.php?p=taking_tour
- Guided tours are available from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Groups of 10 or more should schedule tours in advance by calling 804-698-1788 or email capitoltourguides@house.virginia.gov
Virginia Page Program
- The program gives students an opportunity to observe and participate in the legislative process. http://capclass.virginiageneralassembly.gov/PagePrograms/PagePrograms.html
More tours
- Additional Tours and attractions are numerous around Richmond and the State Capitol Square. Plan tours and attractions in advance. Attached is a list of possible tours and contact information that you may find helpful as you plan your trip to the Capitol.
- Visit www.visitrichmondva.com/Explore/Attractions for ideas on museums, historic homes, civil way sites and gardens to visit.