Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia
A very serious pest of grapes, the spotted lanternfly (SLF; Lycorma delicatula) has spread to most of northern and central Virgina.
View this map to see if you are in an infested location.
There is no need to report spotted lanternfly if you are in an infested location.
The spotted lanternfly has also been reported on a wide range of ornamentals around the home and in the landscape. In high numbers, the insect can become a nuisance pest to homeowners.
Control information can be found in the Resources section.

Early, immature stages of the spotted lanternfly are wingless and black and have white spots that develop to red patches.

Clockwise from top left: Adult showing hind wings, adult with folded wings, early black and white nymphs. full grown nymphs showing red, and egg masses.

SLF egg masses are 1-1.5" long and ½-¾" wide, shiny and grayish-brown in color when fresh. They weather to a flat gray-brown color with age.

Are you a Virginia resident and have found a Spotted Lanternfly?
- Spotted lanternflies are becoming widespread in Virginia. See a map to check if your location is known to be infested:
If you are in a location under quarantine or with a know infestation:
- Your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office can also assist you with information on how to manage Spotted Lanternfly on your property, how to obtain a Spotted Lanternfly permit for your business, or how to recognize Spotted Lanternfly or its favored host tree, Ailanthus (also known as tree-of-Heaven). Find your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office on this webpage.
If you are in a location not under quarantine, without a known infestation, or you’re just not sure:
- Take a photo or collect the suspect Spotted Lanternfly and contact your local Cooperative Extension office. Find your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office on this webpage.
- Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly Identification and Reporting in Virginia
- Possible Spotted Lanternfly Egg Mass Look-alikes in Virginia
- Possible Spotted Lanternfly Immature Look-alikes in Virginia
- Possible Spotted Lanternfly Adult Look-alikes in Virginia
- Lifecycle Calendar
- Detailed fact sheet on the life cycle and control of the spotted lanternfly
- UDSA information on the Spotted Lanternfly
- Best Management Practices for Spotted Lanternfly in Yards and Landscapes
- Residential Control for Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) in Virginia
- Best Management Practices for Spotted Lanternfly on Christmas Tree Farms
- Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia Vineyards: Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)
Quarantine Information
- Virginia Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine
- Spotted Lanternfly Treatment Program Information
- What Virginians Need to Know About the Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine
- Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Spotted Lanternfly Resources
- Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine training
- Control and Utilization of the Tree-of-Heaven by the Virginia Department of Forestry.
- Tree of Heaven identification
- Invasive Plant Species: Ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima)
County Resources for spotted lanternfly
- Contant your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office for more information
- City of Winchester
- Control de la Mosca Linterna con Manchas (Spotted Lanternfly- SLF) en Hogares de Virginia
- Mosca Linterna con Manchas (Spotted Lanternfly) en Viñedos de Virginia: Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)
- Ciclo de Vida en Virginia de Spotted Lanternfly (Mosca de Alas Manchadas)
- Alerta de plagas, Mosca linterna con manchas (Lycorma delicatula)
USDA Alerta de Plagas: Mosca Linterna con Manchas