Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23294
Crystal Tyler-Mackey's academic career began at Virginia Tech, where she earned a bachelor's degree in family and child development. After graduation, she studied at the University of Maryland at College Park, earning a master's degree and doctorate, both in family studies.
Before accepting her current position as a community viability area specialist for the Southeast District, Tyler-Mackey worked as an educator and researcher at the University of Maryland and then as a 4-H agent and unit coordinator for Virginia Cooperative Extension's Richmond City Office.
In her current role, Tyler-Mackey emphasizes family and community strengthening. She partners with local Extension units, community agencies, and other groups to address social and health-related issues that impact communities and families.
Among the many topics that she addresses are risky behaviors among youth, parental and family relationships, obesity and chronic disease, food programs for older adults, and parents with special education students. She has even hosted a workshop entitled "Get Informed: Keeping Kids Out of Gangs: Issues and Strategies for Extension Professionals" to equip Extension professionals with basic information on the signs of gang activity, including tips for youth and parents. She has also trained agents in conflict resolution and programming for urban communities.