Anne Carter Carrington
Anne Carter Carrington is the Central District Area Coordinator for Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Family Nutrition Program in Southside Virginia, where Anne Carter was born and raised. Anne Carter received a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education from Longwood University in 1980 and a Master of Science from Virginia Tech in 1982.
After graduation from Virginia Tech, Anne Carter held a variety of jobs including department manager with Leggett’s Department Stores, 4-H Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science teacher with Halifax County Public Schools, and owner of a soft home furnishings business before coming to work with the Family Nutrition Program. Anne Carter partnered with Cooking Matters to bring cooking programs to her district, which enhances the educational efforts of her Program Assistants. She also developed the DSS Mini Lessons, digital picture frame slide show, Teen Cuisine, and maintains the FNP recipe database.