Trees-to-Products Summer Teachers' Program

The Trees-to-Products teachers’ summer program is designed to provide teachers with factual and credible information about Virginia’s hardwood forests. The program links its concepts to the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) and includes training in Project Learning Tree activities. A variety of hardwood forest management techniques and forest products industries will be examined in detail.
The goal is to offer teachers an in-the-field tour of sustainable forest management techniques. These management practices not only provide raw materials for processing at local forest products industries but also provide wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and sustain forest health to maintain the viewshed and water quality. The wood products produced are widely used in today’s society. Teachers will see and learn about the sustainable and renewable resource of trees and how trees are converted into a variety of everyday products.
Next program: July 11-14, 2016
Sample Agenda
Noon Registration and Lunch
1:00 Depart for Powell River Project Research & Education Center: Appalachian forests; mining & reforestation; and Project Learning Tree activities
5:00 Dinner and program at Mountain Rose Vineyard on Hardwood Veneer
7:00 Continental breakfast
8:00 Depart for High Knob area: forest stand & habitat structure in various age classes; prescribed fire application
Noon Lunch: Barkcamp Lake
1:00 Project Learning Tree activities & VA SOLs
3:30 Wetlands Estonoa
6:00 Dinner & SW VA Chapter SAF meeting and speaker
7:00 Continental breakfast
8:00 Depart for Southern Forest Products log yard & sawmill
9:30 Tour Mullican flooring plant facility
Noon Lunch: Mullican Flooring
1:00 Depart for Virginia Forest Products Sawmill and Unaka Forest Products Chipmill
6:00 Dinner & Speaker: DG&IF, Forests & Deer/Bear/Turkey
7:00 Continental breakfast and check out
8:00 Domtar Paper Co LLC, mill & sheeting facility
Noon Lunch: Domtar
Program evaluation & certificate presentation; Depart for home not later than 2:00
Example of Standards of Learning (SOLs) Covered in the Program
Grade 4
4.5d) habitats and niches
4.5f) influence of human activity on ecosystems
4.8a) watershed and water resources
4.8d) forests, soil, and land
Grade 6
6.9a) management of renewable resources
6.9c) mitigation of land-use and environmental hazards through preventive measures
6.9d) cost/benefit tradeoffs in conservation policies
Life Science
LS.12e) environmental issues
BIO.9c) succession patterns in ecosystems
BIO.9d) effects of natural events and human influences on ecosystems
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services, or other accommodations to participate in the activity, please contact the registrar of this program.
Program Coordinator

Program Supporters
- Clinch District – USFS
- Big Timber Hardwoods
- Domtar Paper Co LLC
- Georgia Pacific
- Mullican Flooring
- Mountain Forests Products
- Powell River Project Research & Education Center
- The Forestland Group LLC
- The Forest Management Co.
- Southern Forest Products
- Unaka Forest Products Inc.
- Virginia Forest Products
- Virginia Forestry Association
- Virginia Forestry Educational Foundation
- Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries
- Virginia Department of Forestry
Bill Worrell, CF
Extension Agent
Forestry and Natural Resources
Southwest District