Small Fruit

This page focuses on crop production and marketing aspects pertaining to small fruits (strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, and other exotic berries). Information on cultivar recommendations, cultural practices including pruning, training, and trellising, plant and soil sanitation practices, and pest management can be found here.
- High tunnel and open-field strawberry budget (new 12.02.2022)
- Southeast Regional Berry IPM/Production Guides
- Virginia MarketMaker
- Plant Breeding Center, University of California, Davis
- California Strawberry Commission
- City of Virginia Beach, Strawberry Fact Sheet
- Cornell Fruit Resources
- The Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide for Commercial Growers 2013-2014
- MyIPM iPhone app
- NC State University, 2012 Strawberry Growers Information Portal
- North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association
- North American Strawberry Growers Association
- North Carolina Strawberry Association
- Strawberry Diagnosis key
- USDA-ERS. U.S. strawberry industry
- Virginia Small Fruits
- National Strawberry Sustainability Initiative
- What is going on with my blackberry fruit?
- A Survey of Strawberry Production Practices in Virginia
- Supermarkets as Alternative Market Outlets for Virginia-Grown Berries
- Small Fruit in the Home Garden
- Frost/Freeze Protection in Strawberry
- A Longer Marketing Life for Blackberry and Raspberry Fruit
- Evaluation of Blackberry Varieties in Virginia
- Weed Management in Small Fruit Crops
- Shoppers Guide for Berry Plants in the Mid-Atlantic and the Carolinas
- Mixed Infection of Strawberry Mottle Virus and Strawberry Mild Yellow Edge Virus in the Southeastern United States
- The Status and Future of Strawberry in the United States
- 2020 Mid-Atlantic Strawberry Program
- 2019 Preplant strawberry meeting
- 2019 11th Annual Virginia Berry Production and Marketing Conference (PDF)
- 2018 NASGA Conference Presentation on Variety Trial
- 2016-17 Strawberry Variety Trial
- Strawberry School 2016: Update on Insects and Varieties (PDF)
- Blackberry Variety Study (PDF)
- Fruits in the Home Garden (PDF)
- Commercial Strawberry Production (PDF)
- 2018 Regional Strawberry Preplant meeting (PDF)
June declared Virginia Berry Month
Strawberry Plug Plants Showing Anthracnose-like Symptoms
Strawberry acreage is up in Virginia to 391 acres in 2017 from 280 acres in 2012
Jayesh Samtani
Jeffrey Derr
Weed Science