Horse Learning Lab Kits & Contest Resources
Contact your local 4-H agent and order through them from the contacts below.
The requesting Agent/Staff member is responsible for the material in the Kit while it is being used in their county. The agent/staff member is responsible for reviewing the inventory checklist of the items in the Kits (it is located in the Assembly instructions guide under Contents) when the Kit is received and when the Kit is sent back to the holding office or to another office. The Kits contain many small pieces. A well-kept inventory will help minimize loss. Clubs can purchase their own kits directly from Ohio State University on this page. The Hippology and Horse Bowl Contest Resources are also available for loan. To purchase your own contest resources see the hippology and horse bowl rules for more information. The latest resource, The Horse, 3rd ed., by Evans et. al., is not part of this collection below.
Central District – Goochland County Extension Office
- Horse Learning Lab Kit - Contact: Shannon Grayson at the Goochland VCE office, Phone (804) 556-5873
- Contest Resources
- 2 full sets of all resources available through the Central District 4-H Horse Council. Contact: Dillon Robinson, Lunenburg Co. 4-H Extension agent, (434) 696-5526
- Horse Smarts manual only: Contact: L.K. Mondrey, Amelia Extension Office, (804) 561-2481 (Horse Smarts manual only)
Northwest District
- Horse Learning Lab Kit - Contact: Sany Arnold, VA 4-H Youth Animal Science Extension Associate
- Contest Resources - Contact: Carrie Swanson, Extension agent, Albemarle Co., Phone (434) 872-4580
Southeast District
- Horse Learning Lab Kit - Contact: Kendra Young, 4-H Extension agent, Henrico Co., Phone (804) 501-5160
- Horse Learning Lab Kit - Contact: LaSonya White, 4-H Extension agent, Surry Co., Phone (757) 294-5215
- Contest Resources - Contact:
Southwest District
- Horse Learning Lab Kit - Contact: Malerie Whitehurst, 4-H Extension agent, Wythe Co., Phone (276) 223-6040
- Contest Resources - Contact: Crystal Peek, 4-H Extenstion agent, Washington Co., Phone (276) 676-6309
(information last updated 1/24/2023)

Katherine Carter
Extension Youth Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-2257
Hunter Liles
Extension Youth Animal Science Associate
(540) 231-6345