4-H Livestock Google Group
The vce-4hlivestock listserv has been moved to Google Groups. If you were subscribed prior to May 5, 2016, you will be automatically moved.
The directions for joining this Google Group depend on whether you use a Google account or not. Please note, there are different directions, depending on your mail account.
Non-Google Accounts (e.g. Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, etc.)
- Send an email to vce-4hlivestock-g+subscribe@vt.edu.
- REPLY to the email that you receive. DO NOT click the button or link in the email (It does not work)
Google Account (Gmail, etc.)
- Send an email to vce-4hlivestock-g+subscribe@vt.edu.
- Follow the instructions in the email that you receive.
To unsubscribe from the 4-H Livestock mailing list, please follow the directions at the bottom of an e-mail that you receive from the mailing list.

Youth Livestock Topics
Katherine Carter
Extension Youth Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-2257
Scott Greiner
Extension Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-9159
Hunter Liles
Extension Youth Animal Science Associate
(540) 231-6345
Virginia 4-H Livestock Programs Endowment
The Virginia 4-H Foundation is spearheading the advancement of the Virginia 4-H Youth Livestock Programs Endowment. 4-H livestock programming is funded through a combination of private gifts, endowment income, gifts in kind, and participant fees.