Other Extension Sponsored Events

Virginia Youth Sheep and Goat Symposium: June 15, 2024
Location: New River Valley Fairgrounds, Dublin, VA
This comprehensive sheep/goat educational program includes a small ruminant focused Skillathon, Showmanship, as well as shows for Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, and Commercial Does. The event is open to enrolled Virginia 4-H and FFA youth members between the ages of 9 years and 19 years (age determined as of September 30, 2024) and is a sanctioned Virginia Showmasters Circuit event.
***Please Note: This VSC show is only open to Virginia youth and does NOT offer a Pee Wee Showmanship Division***
Entry Link: http://2024valambgoatsymposium.fairentry.com/
- Entries are $25.00 per head
- Please pay attention when logging into the entry system - ALL 4-H youth must click the "GREEN" Sign In using 4HOnline button. Youth participating as enrolled FFA members will use the GRAY areas to input email and password information or establish a new account, before clicking the BLUE "Sign In" button.
- There is no credit card option for payment. Entries must be paid via check, made payable to Treasurer of Virginia Tech and mailed to: Katherine E Carter 380 Litton Reaves (0306) 175 West Campus Drive Blacksburg, VA 24061
- Entries will be considered complete when full payment has been recieved. You MUST pay for all animals entered in the system, whether or not they are borough to the show. Failure to pay for the full amount will result in rejected entries.
- Late entries will be accepted from Thursday, June 13th until check in on June 15th, and must be entered into the online system prior to check in. Late entries will incur a $40.00/head fee which may be paid at check in.
- All exhibitors will be automatically entered in showmanship - you will not find a showmanship class option in the entry system
- Showmanship heats will be broken using birth dates. Division age breakts are determined by age as of September 30, 2024

Youth Livestock Topics
Katherine Carter
Extension Youth Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-2257
Scott Greiner
Extension Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-9159
Hunter Liles
Extension Youth Animal Science Associate
(540) 231-6345
Virginia 4-H Livestock Programs Endowment
The Virginia 4-H Foundation is spearheading the advancement of the Virginia 4-H Youth Livestock Programs Endowment. 4-H livestock programming is funded through a combination of private gifts, endowment income, gifts in kind, and participant fees.