
High-quality hops are an essential component of craft beer. This site provides region-specific information for those currently growing hops, as well as those interested in this specialty horticultural crop.
- Hop production in Midwest and Eastern North America online course now available from MSU. Learn more about the challenges and opportunities for hop production in reemerging growing regions.
- Hop Growers of America has a Good Bines: Foundations of Food Safety module and more online resources for growers.
- Irrigation Considerations for Commercial Hop Producers: new publication available!
- Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Hops, Berry, and Vegetable Growers – Webinar Recording from Northeastern IPM Center
Virginia Hop Growers in the News*
- Growing Hops in Virginia for Craft Beer
- New River Valley grower beats the heat of the hops harvest
- Students develop open-source hops dryer design to share with growers everywhere
- Hops to the Harvest at Virginia Tech
- VA Tech Debuts "Brewhouse" Technology at Deschutes Street Pub in Roanoke
- Hops Produce a Buzz at VSU
- Virginia Farm Bureau "Growing Hops" segment
- Here's How Virginia Researchers are Helping Hops Farmers Meet Brewery Demand
- Virginia Home Grown: Growing Hops (video)
- Madison hops trial one of three in state, located at historic estate slated for brewery
- Hopes for Hops in Southwest Virginia
- Carolina, Virginia Farmers Try to Meet Hops Demand for Local Craft Beer
- Rockbridge County Farm Provides Fresh Hops for Special All-Virginia Beer
- Amid Brewery Bloom, Local Hops Grower Keeps Hopping
- The Pursuit of Hoppiness
- Brewing Up a Virginia Hops Industry
- The Growth of Virginia Hops
- Virginia Harvests Hop Crops for Local Brews
- Virginia Now Harvesting Hops
- Huguenot Hops and Piedmont Hops on the Central Virginia Ag Spotlight
- Grower Stan Driver Talks Hops on WMRA
- Virginia Turning to Hops USA Today
- Untapped Potential for Hops Industry in Virginia
- Virginia has Potential for Hops Market
- Craft Breweries Turn to Homegrown Hops
- Meadowview Farmer Talks about Growing Hops
- Startup is Hopped Up on Beer Ingredient
- Local Hops Growers Help Virginia Brew Booming Craft-Beer Industry
*News articles are shared to provide context for the increased public attention towards this crop. Virginia Cooperative Extension is not responsible for the content of these items and does not endorse these products/producers/services and does not intend discrimination against other products/producers/services.
- 2017 Fresh Hops Harvest and Handling Tips: recorded webinar
- 2017 SAHC: Growing Hops in the South Atlantic: The Basics by Laura Siegle and Holly Scoggins (PDF)
- 2017 SAHC: What Am I Allowed to Spray on My Hops? by Laura Siegle and Patrick Jones (PDF)
- 2017 Fresh Hops Harvest and Handling Tips-recorded webinar
- Weed Control in Hops (PDF)
- 2016 South Atlantic Hops Conference Presentations
- 2015 Hops Cost Considerations + Marketing Hops by Devon Kistler, chairman of the Old Dominion Hops Cooperative: VCE workshop at W.E. Skelton 4-H Center (PDF)
- 2014 Pests of Hops. Presented by T. Michael Likins (PDF)
- 2014 Growing Hops in the Southeast by Jeanine Davis, presented to Virginia growers at VSU (PDF)
Hops Analysis from Virginia Tech Enology Analytical Laboratory: The Virginia Tech Enology Analytical Services Laboratory was established in 2006 to serve the needs of the growing Virginia Wine Industry. At the request of hop growers and Virginia Cooperative Extension, hops analysis was added to the lab’s standard analytical services. The lab can report on moisture, acids, and essential oils from samples submitted and the lab website provides an overview of sampling procedures, testing options, and results interpretation.
Publications: Virginia Cooperative Extension’s hops publications can be found under “Featured Publications” on the sidebar to the right of this page. Our publications include an industry factsheet, a Virginia pest management guide, a weed control guide, and more. Additional useful publications from out-of-state programs can be found under the “Websites” tab.
Soil Testing: This service is available for hops, and samples submitted with the crop code for hops (code 75) will return with fertilizer and lime recommendations based upon soil test results. For information about this service and sampling instructions, visit the Virginia Tech Soil Testing Lab webpage. To submit a sample, you will need the correct sample box and form, which you can obtain from your local Extension office.
Weed Identification Clinic, Plant Disease Clinic, and Insect Identification Lab: Each of these services from Virginia Tech can be accessed via your local Extension agent, who can provide you with guidance about proper sampling and submission procedures. Find your nearest Extension office.
Resource for Loudon County: Hops Suitability Model for examining the potential hop-growing suitability of sites within the county.
Industry Groups
- Old Dominion Hops Cooperative: This Virginia-based grower organization provides networking and education, promotes the crop to stakeholders and brewers, and offers educational opportunities to growers.
- Loudoun Hops Association: This Northern Virginia-based grower organization provides support, education, and networking to growers and aims to meet local demand with a high-quality product.
- Northeast Hop Alliance: NeHA is a coalition of growers, brewers, and stakeholders interested in supporting commercial hops production in the Northeast U.S.
- Southern Appalachian Hops Guild: A grower association made up of small scale hop farmers and brewers whose mission is to further the cultivation and share good growing practices of hops in the Eastern U.S.
- Hop Growers of America: A trade organization for hop growers which provides education, grower support, statistics, and trade information.
State and Federal Agencies and Programs
These agencies offer services, technical support, and programs which may be of use to hop growers.
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) – Virginia
- NRCS Web Soil Survey: This is an online tool you can use to view detailed information about soil types and land features on your property.
- Farm Service Agency (FSA) – Virginia
- Find NRCS or FSA at your nearest USDA service center
- Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition
- Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS): VDACS has a wide range of programs and resources including the Virginia Grown and Virginia’s Finest marketing programs, Lank Link, pesticide services, and more.
- Virginia State University Hops Program
To see our Virginia resources, view “Featured Publications” on the right sidebar, click on “Services,” and click on “Agencies and Organizations.”
Below, you will find a list of more out-of-state hops Extension programs and publications which may also be helpful to Virginia growers.
Hops Extension Pages from Nearby States
- Each of these contain a number of useful links and technical resources for growers in our region:
- North Carolina State University Hops Extension
- University of Maryland Hops Extension
- Ohio State University Hops Extension
- Michigan State University Hops Extension
- University of Vermont Hops Extension
- Cornell Hops Extension
More Useful Links from Nearby States
- Growing Hops in the Southeast
- Rutgers - Growing Hops in the Backyard
- Kentucky-Hops Overview
- Growing Hops in New England
- Colorado Calendar of Hops Field Work
- Hops-Wisconsin Alternative Field Crops Guide
- Requirements and Estimates for Building a Half-Acre Hopyard: VSU (PDF)
- Setting Up Irrigation: Video
- Hop Growers of America Small-Acreage/Cost of Production Budget Tools
- Southeastern Vegetable Crop Handbook: Hops Insect and Disease Control
- Compendium of Hops Diseases and Pests
- Plant Protection-USA Hops
- Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Hops, Berry, and Vegetable Growers
- Hop Harvest Moisture Calculator
- Hop Harvest Readiness
- Art and Science of Hop Harvest
- Video of Wolf Harvester in Action in Virginia
- Virginia Produce Safety Website
- USA Hops Best Practice and Best Practices Program
- Virginia On-Farm Food Safety Program
- Virginia Department of Ag and Consumer Services Food, Food Safety, and Consumer Protection
Featured Publications
- Pest Management Guide: Hops
- Irrigation Considerations for Commercial Hops Producers
- Small-scale Virginia Commercial Hops Production Enterprise Budgets and Financial Statements + User Notes for this Publication
- Fresh Hops Harvesting and Handling Tips
- Soil Sample Information Sheet for Commercial Crop Production
- GAPs and FSMA – an Overview for Hop Growers in Virginia
- Hops in Virginia: Need-to-Know Information about Extension Resources
- Hops in Virginia: Need-to-Know Information about the Industry