Summer Internship Program: Isle of Wight

Primary Program Area Focus: ANR
1. Describe your plans for this internship. (i.e. What specifically will the intern be doing?)
The Isle of Wight Intern will focus in areas of Agriculture and Natural Resources and 4-H with both local Extension Agents.
The Intern will work with the agriculture agent to learn about diagnostics, soil sampling, research partnerships, planning and implementing programs, livestock management, and much more. They will work with both volunteer groups (Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists) to learn more about volunteer management and volunteer programs.
Programs the intern will assist with will include:
· Attending Farmers Markets with booth
· Assisting with the Master Gardener plant sale or other Summer Programs
· Assist with Pollinator Garden or Butterfly Garden
· Update numerous mailing lists and brochures
· Plan for the upcoming county fair, assist with YQCA training, etc.
· Attend meetings with agent and meet farmers, stakeholders, and partnering agribusinesses
The Intern will also work with the 4-H agent and 4-H Program Assistant to learn more about 4-H programs, clubs, and camps.
Programs the intern will assist with will include:
· Junior Summer 4-H Camp- assist with prep, counselor/CIT trainings, and attend camp
· Assist with 4-H Congress
· Work with the 4-H club on any summer programs or community service projects
· Assist with any Summer Day Camps or Summer SPIN Clubs
The intern will shadow us daily and attend meetings with us when available.
2. Describe the knowledge / skills you expect the intern to gain from this experience.
The Intern will not only learn more about Cooperative Extension and the Land Grant Universities, but they will also learn more about our specific program areas in Southeast Virginia. By working in both areas and with multiple different groups the intern will learn about time management and how to prioritize work tasks. The intern will also observe how to work with the public and how to work with diverse groups. They will also learn more about volunteer management by working with 4-H volunteers, Master Gardeners, and Master Naturalists programs. This internship will offer an insight on how to identify program area need, program planning, program implementation, and program evaluations through ANR and 4-H programs. The intern will gain experience in designing and delivering educational and hands on programming with youth ages 5-18 and with the general public. They will work on marketing aspects by designing flyers/brochures and updating social media platforms. Learning about risk management by assisting with 4-H camp and planning programs will be another skill area.
More knowledge and skills could include:
· Customer Service/Relations- speaking with the public, answering the phone, and compiling emails or social media posts
· Marketing- creating flyers/brochures, creating social media posts, or creating other advertising materials
· Time Management- learning how to prioritize programs or event management, meeting deadlines
· Teamwork & leadership skills- working with the whole office and diverse groups
· Volunteer Management- working with volunteer groups, learning about volunteer training and expectations, etc.
· Youth Development- working with youth ages 5-18 and attending 4-H programs will showcase working with youth of all ages
· Critical Thinking/Problem Solving- solving problems or learning new skills on how to handle problems
· Community Engagement- working with partnering organizations
· VCE Knowledge- strengthen knowledge in 4-H and ANR areas
3. How will the intern learn about the breadth of VCE and our various program areas?
We will showcase both ANR and 4-H program areas to the intern in Isle of Wight. If the intern has an interest in Family and Consumer Sciences, we will partner with a neighboring office to give the intern this opportunity for a day or program. We will also work with other local offices to showcase cross programing and teamwork to the intern. We will also ensure the intern visits the Tidewater Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Virginia State University and Randolph Farm, as well as Virginia Tech and other local ARECS. We value all of our partnerships, so they will be highlighted as well.
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Read about Internship Experiences of Former VCE Interns
- Emily Allman - Fairfax
- Emily Bowman - Frederick
- Cadence Campbell - Buckingham
- Denisa Hendriyadi - Arlington
- Sydney Hudson - Greensville/Emporia