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Summer Internship Program: Lee County


Primary Program Area Focus:   4-H  

1. Describe your plans for this internship.  (i.e. What specifically will the intern be doing?)
Intern will be specifically assisting Lee County 4-H Program with summer programming.  The intern will also get experience working with FCS and ANR as well.  The intern will be assisting with our Kid’s Produce Markets by assisting with obtaining produce and running the event.  They will also be assisting with designing and implementing outdoor classroom activities and features such as a scavenger hunt.  The intern will assist with 4-H Camp and day camps throughout the summer as well.

2. Describe the knowledge / skills you expect the intern to gain from this experience.
The intern will gain experience with organizing programs, time management, people skills, advertising, and creating programming. 

3. How will the intern learn about the breadth of VCE and our various program areas?The intern will spend time with the FCS Agent and ANR Agent assisting with program such as the Grow Sustainblee, garden program, and canning classes.