Horsemanship Skills Program
- Virginia 4-H’s Horsemanship Skills Program, which began in 2013, emphasizes safety in all equine activities and aims to develop horsemanship skills and recognize individual achievement in a non-competitive, progressive program. Virginia 4-H members are required to complete Horsemanship Skill Levels 1 & 2 in order to be eligible for the 4-H Championship Horse & Pony Show. In 2018, 4-Hers were able to apply for testing at Level 3 and Level 4 at the state show. See the state show page for more information for the application process.
Skills Calendar
Program Information
- Horsemanship Skills Level 1 & 2 FAQ (PDF)
- Horsemanship Skills Level 3 & 4 FAQ (PDF)
- Skill Evaluation Reference Forms
Trained Evaluators and Evaluator Certification
List of current 4-H trained Horsemanship Skills Evaluators and policies for certification as a horsemanship skills evaluator.
Evaluated Riders - by Unit
This list is compiled from information sent by evaluation managers. Please allow at least two weeks after a rider evaluation for information to be updated and posted.
Submission Forms
If you have recently hosted an evaluator training or a rider evaluation, please fill out the appropriate form below and submit within two weeks of the training or evaluation.
- Submission Form for Trained Evaluators (XLS | 28KB)
- Submission Form for Evaluated Riders (XLS | 62KB)
Hosting Application
If you are interested in hosting a rider evaluation, you will need to fill out the form posted below and submit it to Hunter Liles, Extension Youth Animal Science Associate. Once your evaluation has been approved, it will be added to the horsemanship skills calendars.
Evaluator Trainings
Evaluator Trainings serve the purpose of training new Evaluators who will be certified to test for Horsemanship Skills, and once certified, they will be added to the lilst of Trained Evaluators. Evaluator Trainings may only be hosted by individuals from the Trainer List. Two Trainers must be present at an Evaluator Training. If you have any questions about the Horsemanship Skills Program or wish to inquire about scheduling an Evaluator Training, please contact your District Horse Council. Dates will be announced on the listserve and PDF calendar as needed.
- Trainers List

Katherine Carter
Extension Youth Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-2257
Hunter Liles
Extension Youth Animal Science Associate
(540) 231-6345