State Fair of Virginia
Date: October 1 - 5, 2025
Location: The Meadow Event Park - Doswell, VA
Additional information: State Fair of Virginia official web site
Show Rules/Policy Updates
(please see Rules posted below for complete details):
- Schedule- see schedule tab for significant changes that have been made.
- Swine- The market hog show will not be terminal this year (sending swine to slaughter will be an option, exhibitors required to designate sale animals at entry). Breeding gilt classes ( both registered and commercial) will be offered, and market barrows and gilts will show separately. Exhibitors must designate market vs. breeding gilts at nomination. A registered breeding gilt show will also be offered this year.
- Market Lambs - A division for Natural Color lambs will be offered again this year.
- All commercial heifers must be nominated using the mid to late June nomination sites. A prospect heifer division has been added for 2016, in addition to the prospect steer division. A maximum weight limit is set for this division and an animal exceeding this weight will be disqualified from the show. Exhibitors not wanting to nominate heifer may show in the prospect division provided they meet the weight and age guidelines. These heifers will not be eligible for the heifer supreme champion scholarship.
- Registered heifers must be owned and registered in a single youth’s name who plans to show the animal. No joint ownership or farm names will be allowed in 2016.
- Nomination fees will not be charged in 2016. A $10 per head entry fee will be charged to all animals at entry in August.
Species-specific rules and regulations
Narrative Forms
Other Youth Competitions
Gate Entry Information
- If you are competing as a non-livestock exhibitor in any of the other competitions, including the Skill-a-thon contests, you will need to purchase a Gate Pass directly from the State Fair of Virginia
- Gate Passes are an additional $5
- Gate Pass information and order form
- The information link is located under the picture on the left side of the screen.
4-H & FFA Skill-a-thon Competitions
- The 2016 Skill-a-thon contests will be held in conjunction with the Premier Exhibitor Programs at the 2016 State Fair of Virginia.
- SFVA Skill-a-thon Contest Rules (PDF | 57KB)
- Key items about the Skill-a-thon contests:
- A separate gate entry pass will need to be purchased through the State Fair of Virginia, if you are not an exhibitor. Please see the link above for more information.
- The skill-a-thon contests are limited to 3 contestants per species per age division for each club/chapter for all non-exhibitors.
- The registration form below is ONLY for non-livestock exhibitors wishing to compete in the skill-a-thon contests.
- Livestock exhibitors will be mailed a separate entry form upon the close of the Livestock Entry system.
- Skill-a-thon entry fee is $5
- Registration is due September 10th.
4-H & FFA Agriscience Research Poster Contest
- Friday, September 30th- Judging begins at 1:00 PM
- The Agriscience Fair is an exciting opportunity for students interested in scientific principles and emerging technologies in the agricultural industry. The Agriscience Fair gives students a chance to display agriscience projects that represent original research in one of the following areas:
- Animal Systems
- Environmental Services/Natural Resource Systems
- Food Products and Processing Systems
- Plant Systems
- Power, Structural and Technical Systems
- Social Systems
- For More Information: Hannah Scherer
Updates for 2016
- The State Fair will conduct a Sale of Champions again this year for the champion and reserve market animals of all four species. The sale will be conducted Saturday evening, and consequently we have made several significant changes to the show and event schedule. Enclosed please find a copy of the new schedule. Details of the Sale of Champions will be posted online, and distributed electronically in the very near future.
- Dates: – All beef, sheep, swine and meat goats will show September 30-October 2; the second weekend of the State Fair
- All market lambs/commercial ewes, market goats/commercial does, and market beef/commercial heifers must be nominated using the mid-late June nomination sites. All swine must be nominated using the process that is outlined in the enclosed informational letter entitled “State Fair of Virginia Hog Nomination Requirements”.
- Show Rules/Policy Updates (please see Rules posted online for complete details):
- Schedule- see enclosed schedule for significant changes that have been made.
- Swine- The market hog show will not be terminal this year (sending swine to slaughter will be an option, exhibitors required to designate sale animals at entry). Breeding gilt classes will be offered, and market barrows and gilts will show separately. Exhibitors must designate market vs. breeding gilts at nomination. A registered breeding gilt show will also be offered this year.
- Market Lambs- A division for Natural Color lambs will be offered again this year.
- All commercial heifers must be nominated using the mid to late June nomination sites. A prospect heifer division has been added for 2016, in addition to the prospect steer division. A maximum weight limit is set for this division and an animal exceeding this weight will be disqualified from the show. Exhibitors not wanting to nominate heifer may show in the prospect division provided they meet the weight and age guidelines. These heifers will not be eligible for the heifer supreme champion scholarship.
- Registered heifers must be owned and registered in a single youth’s name who plans to show the animal. No joint ownership or farm names will be allowed in 2016.
- Nomination fees will not be charged in 2016. A $10 per head entry fee will be charged to all animals at entry in August.
- Entries: All entries for State Fair must be submitted online; entry information will be available in July at All beef, sheep, swine and meat goats will be required to be entered by August 15th!
- Complete details of the show schedules, judges, policies and rules for each species will be posted at the youth livestock homepage ( Please check this site for important changes and updates!
Youth Show Exhibitor Letters (2016 information coming soon!)
ALL YOUTH EXHIBITING BEEF, SHEEP, SWINE, OR MEAT GOATS at the State Fair of Virginia MUST BE Youth Meat Quality Assurance (YMQA) Certified before August 15th! YMQA Certifications will be offered through your local county Extension office. For more details regarding your local training, please contact your local Extension Agent.
For YMQA training dates across the Commonwealth, please visit the YMQA web site for more details.
If you are not certified by August 15th, you will not be allowed to exhibit at the 2016 State Fair of Virginia!
Nominations for swine need to follow the State Fair of Virginia hog nomination requirements. All hogs are still required to be nominated in order to show. Please make sure you also have acceptable swine pictures for nomination.
Nominating lambs, goats, and beef for the 2016 State Fair of Virginia will take place at various locations around the state. All youth who plan to exhibit market lambs, commercial ewe lambs, market goats, commercial does, market steers/heifers, and/or commercial heifers at the 2016 State Fair of Virginia are required to bring their animals to one of the following sites below for identification.
- The State Fair market hog show will not be terminal in 2016; and there will be a registered gilt show, in addition to the commercial gilt show. Please see the “State Fair of Virginia Hog Nomination Requirements” for all information pertaining to swine nomination. All market barrows, market gilts, registered gilts, and commercial gilts will need to be nominated prior to August 1. Market vs. breeding gilts will need to be designated at nomination. Swine do NOT need to be weighed at nomination. Identification and nomination does not take the place of entry; all animals must be entered online in order for them to show.
- Lambs/goats will be ear tagged and weighed, cattle will be ear tagged (weighing is optional for cattle). Nomination forms will be completed by exhibitors and given to site coordinators at nomination time.
- Exhibitors may take lambs, goats and/or cattle to any nomination location. Exhibitors must take all of their animals of the same species to the same nomination location.
- A maximum of 12 lambs may be nominated per exhibitor (wethers or ewes, to be shown as either market lambs or commercial ewe lambs- no designation required at time of nomination). A maximum of 12 goats may be nominated per exhibitor (wethers or does, to be shown as either market goats or commercial does - no designation required at time of nomination). A maximum of 12 hogs may be nominated per exhibitor (hogs or gilts, to be shown as either market barrow/market gilt or breeding (commercial or registered) gilt – breeding or market gilt designation is required at time of nomination). There is no maximum for the number of market steers/heifers and commercial heifers nominated per exhibitor.
- All commercial heifers born September 1, 2014 to April 30, 2016 will be required to be nominated at a mid-late June nomination site. Prospect heifers born after January 1, 2016 are NOT required to be nominated. All prospect steers are NOT required to be nominated.
- Prospect heifers (heifers that have not been nominated) are not eligible for the Supreme Heifer Championship and subsequent scholarships.
- Lambs, goats, hogs, and cattle must also be properly entered for the State Fair of Virginia. Weighing and identification at the nomination locations does not constitute final entry for the State Fair of Virginia.
- If you are unable to attend a nomination site or do not see a time listed for the specific species, please contact your local Extension Agent at least two weeks prior to the District Nomination Date to arrange a time, in which you can get your animals nominated.
- If you do not nominate your market lambs, commercial ewes, market goats, commercial does, market steers and commercial heifers prior toJULY 1, 2016, you will not be allowed to nominate them at a later date, and will be ineligible for the State Fair of Virginia.
- If you do not nominate your swine prior to AUGUST 1, 2016, you will not be allowed to nominate them at a later date, and will be ineligible for the State Fair of Virginia.
- This is weigh-in and tagging for all market lambs, commercial ewes, market goats, commercial does, market steers/heifers, and all commercial heifers.
- If you do not nominate your market lambs, commercial ewes, market goats, commercial does, market steers and commercial heifers prior to July 1, 2016, you will not be allowed to nominate them at a later date, and will be ineligible for the State Fair of Virginia.
Location | Species that can be NOMINATED | Contact Person |
Shenandoah Valley Tuesday, June 14 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Ag Research & Extension Center Raphine, VA |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | John Benner or Corey Childs |
Northern Virginia Thursday, June 16 (BEEF CALL AHEAD) 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Shenandoah County Fairgrounds Woodstock, VA |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Corey Childs (540) 635-4549 |
Monday, June 27 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Clarke County Fairgrounds Berryville, VA |
Central Virginia Monday, June 20 (BEEF CALL AHEAD) 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Quaker Hill Farm (5728 Poindexter Road) Louisa, VA |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Steve Hopkins or Charles Rosson |
Southside Virginia Thursday, June 23 (BEEF CALL AHEAD) 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Lynchburg Livestock Market Lynchburg, VA |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Todd Scott or Jaime Stowe |
Southwest Virginia |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | John Blankenship or Sam Leech |
Southwest Virginia |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Morgan Paulette (540) 980-7761 |
New River Valley Region Friday, June 10 (BEEF CALL AHEAD) in conjunction with Craig County Livestock Camp Joe's Trees - New Castle, VA Sue Bostic - (540) 544-7303 |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Joi Saville (540) 231-2257 |
New River Valley Region |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Joi Saville (540) 231-2257 |
New River Valley Region |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does | Joi Saville (540) 231-2257 |
Tidewater Region Thursday, June 23 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research & Extension Center - LIVESTOCK UNIT Blackstone, VA |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Cynthia Gregg or Jocelyn Pearson |
Wednesday, June 15 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Lehman Farms Lehman Road, Chesapeake, VA |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | |
Northern Neck Region Tuesday, June 14 (PLEASE CALL AHEAD) 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Armentrout Farm 12343 Verdon Road, Doswell, VA 23047 |
Market Lambs, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Commercial Does, Commercial Heifers, Market Steers, Market Heifers | Rachel Grosse (804) 598-5640 |
Swine Nominations & Show
The State Fair market hog show will not be terminal in 2016; and there will be a registered gilt show, in addition to the commercial gilt show. Please see the “State Fair of Virginia Hog Nomination Requirements” for all information pertaining to swine nomination. All market barrows, market gilts and breeding gilts (both registered and commercial) will need to be nominated. Market vs. breeding gilts will need to be designated at nomination. Swine do NOT need to be weighed at nomination. Identification and nomination does not take the place of entry; all animals must be entered online in order for them to show. All swine must be nominated and identified using the instructions provided in the “State Fair of Virginia Hog Nomination Requirement” information letter. Identification and nomination must be completed, mailed and postmarked by August 1, 2016 to be eligible for exhibition at the State Fair of Virginia. If you intend to show swine at the State Fair of Virginia please read the information below very carefully!
- State Fair of Virginia Hog Nomination Requirements (PDF | 139KB)
- Acceptable Hog Nomination Pictures (PDF | 156KB)
- Swine Nomination Form (PDF | 28KB)
Please mail all nomination forms and pictures to:
Joi Saville
Swine Show
362 Litton Reaves Hall (MC 0306)
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0306
- Registration papers will be required for all purebred breeding animals at the State Fair. If registration papers are not available, the animal will be shown as a commercial female and must be nominated accordingly.
- There will not be a nomination fee in 2016.
- Lambs, goats, hogs, and cattle must also be properly entered for the State Fair of Virginia. Entry fees will be charged in 2016 at $10 per head. Entries must be postmarked by August 15. Entries must be made on-line, printed, signed and mailed by August 15. State Fair of Virginia information, rules and regulations may be accessed on-line at . All State Fair of Virginia entries must be completed on-line.
- Weighing and identification at these locations does not constitute final entry for State Fair of Virginia.
General Information
- Letter to Potential State Fair of Virginia Exhibitors (PDF | 77KB)
- Nomination Site Listing and Information (PDF | 87KB)
- 2016 SFVA Nomination Calendar (PDF | 26KB)
- Tag Care and General Information about Lost Tags (PDF | 20KB)
Swine nomination information
- State Fair of Virginia Hog Nomination Requirements (PDF | 139KB)
- Acceptable Hog Nomination Pictures (PDF | 156KB)
- Swine Nomination Form (PDF | 28KB)
Nomination forms for all others
We would also like to thank all of our 2016 sponsors, especially our general sponsors. Without all of their support, the youth shows would not have been possible.
The State Fair hosted the Sale of Champions this year for the champion and reserve market animals of all four species.
Carrie Joines was the 2016 SFVA photographer. For pictures and purchase information, please visit

Youth Livestock Topics
Katherine Carter
Extension Youth Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-2257
Scott Greiner
Extension Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-9159
Hunter Liles
Extension Youth Animal Science Associate
(540) 231-6345
Virginia 4-H Livestock Programs Endowment
The Virginia 4-H Foundation is spearheading the advancement of the Virginia 4-H Youth Livestock Programs Endowment. 4-H livestock programming is funded through a combination of private gifts, endowment income, gifts in kind, and participant fees.