State 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl
When: TBD
Location: TBD
For More Information: TBD
The 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl is a competition that tests the knowledge youth possess regarding beef, sheep, swine, and meat goat topics. Teams compete in a single elimination format and use a buzzer to signify that they would like to attempt to answer a question. Oral answers are given to questions posed by a moderator. Each match has an individual, team and toss-up question round.
Contest Information
- 2014 State 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Rules and Regulations (PDF | 71KB)
- The following is a list of references that will assist in preparing for livestock quiz bowl contests that involve beef, sheep, meat goat, and swine. Please note that actual references may deviate from this list in an effort to keep current with a rapidly changing livestock industry.

Youth Livestock Topics
Katherine Carter
Extension Youth Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-2257
Scott Greiner
Extension Animal Science Specialist
(540) 231-9159
Hunter Liles
Extension Youth Animal Science Associate
(540) 231-6345
Virginia 4-H Livestock Programs Endowment
The Virginia 4-H Foundation is spearheading the advancement of the Virginia 4-H Youth Livestock Programs Endowment. 4-H livestock programming is funded through a combination of private gifts, endowment income, gifts in kind, and participant fees.